Our strategy

Our sustainability strategy consists of three pillars. On the basis of these pillars, we will take steps to reduce our negative impact as a transport company and increase our positive impact as an employer and chain partner.

Pillar 1 Transport

We will reduce our negative impact on the environment and always work safely.

Pillar 2 Employees

We are an attractive employer for our employees.

Pillar 3 Respectful partnerships

We are a trusted, valuable and long-term collaborative partner for our business relations.

Our strategy in focus

Our sustainability strategy in 90 seconds! Watch the animation.
Or check out the visual that explains our strategy in a nutshell.

Pillar 1 Transport

Our transport that runs on fossil fuels emits CO2. And as road users, we share a responsibility to positively influence road safety. We want to reduce our negative impact on the environment and society. We will achieve this by reducing our CO2 emissions and increasing safety at work and on the road; for our drivers and fellow road users.

Our ambition

Reduce our impact by working safely and driving with the lowest possible CO2 footprint.


In 2030, we will achieve at least a 40% reduction in CO2 per tonne-kilometre and net zero in 2050.

We are working hard to achieve optimum levels of safety: no accidents in the workplace or on the road.

Pillar 2 Employees

Our employees are the heart of our company. AB Texel currently employs 2,900 colleagues, who all deliver added value to our company. Colleagues who work tirelessly every day to help us and our clients. It’s important to us that our employees enjoy their work, are committed, and are proud to represent the company. That's something we invest in.

Our ambition

We are an attractive employer, where all employees enjoy their work and are committed to the company. An employer that employees speak proudly of and where they feel at home.


Absenteeism rate is max. 6.5%

Average employment tenure is longer than 7.7 years

Average employee satisfaction score is 8 or higher

Even balance between the number of men and women in the workforce

Age-diverse workforce: 40% younger than 45 years old

Pillar 3 Respectful partnerships

We are a committed and reliable partner. This is why we continuously invest in good relationships with our clients and suppliers, whether they are a large or small client or supplier. This often results in long-term collaborations. Together, we can achieve more. And together, it’s possible to successfully approach complex issues such as sustainability, and ensure that both parties can benefit.

Our ambition

Long-term and transparent partnerships with chain partners to realise collective ambitions and provide added value.


To ensure more efficient and sustainable chains, at least 70% of our turnover comes from long-term partnerships with our clients. Long-term means longer than five years.

Every year, we make a plan with a minimum of 30% of our long-term partners in high risk sectors, to mitigate climate-based risks.

Annual Sustainability Report 2023

Read the AB Texel Sustainability Report 2023 here.