Tank transport: from dairy farmer to cheese factory

Our AB Texel dairy companies are specialised in the transport of (liquid) dairy. Every day our modern, refrigerated tankers transport thousands of litres of milk from dairy farms to the cheese factory. Our drivers have undergone intensive training in milk transport, and often have years of experience in the profession.

A closer look at dairy transport

Cream transport

We don’t just transport milk – we also transport other liquid dairy products, such as cream At the factory, this cream is processed into high-quality cream products such as whipping cream, single cream and crème fraîche.

24/7 tanker transport

All our conditioned tankers are continuously on the road. After all, milking the herd never stops. Our specialised drivers are flexible and think with you. For example, in finding solutions in unexpected circumstances. Our planners are at your service 24/7 as well.

Our companies

Our companies AB Texel Liquid Food and AB Texel Liquid Food België transport dairy for our parent company Royal A-ware, a cheese and dairy producer of which the AB Texel forms a part. The dairy farms where we collect the milk are also affiliated with A-ware. Naturally we hold all the necessary food safety certifications, such as HACCP and ISO22000.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about our dairy transport services? Contact AB Texel Liquid Food or AB Texel Liquid Food België. Our staff will be happy to help you.