Working for AB Texel

Our employees are at the heart of our business, so it’s important to us that they enjoy their work, and that they feel committed to the company and our clients. That's something we invest in. It goes without saying that we make sure our employees are able to do their work both well and safely. For example, each driver specialises in at least one type of transport and takes regular customised training courses. This enables us to realise our ambitions.

What employees can expect from AB Texel:  

  • A good salary and correct payment, always on time. 

  • Flexible and appropriate work schedules.

  • Modern, safe trucks from premium brands.

  • Open, accessible contact. 

  • Specialist training via our own AB Move on Academy.

  • Being able to keep on top of news and changes via the AB Connect app.

  • A long-term partnership.

  • The stability and flexibility of a large organisation.

Modern, safe trucks from premium brands

At AB Texel, we understand that our drivers need good equipment. That is why we continuously maintain, renew and optimise our fleet. Our drivers always drive modern equipment, often new. Our trucks are fully equipped and feature the latest technology

AB Move on Academy

It’s important to us that our employees have a good understanding of their profession. The work at AB Texel is very varied, with each type of work calling for a different set of knowledge and skills. For this reason, all of our training courses are customised to fit the tasks that are carried out in practice. The courses are run by our own AB Move on Academy.

Obviously we ensure that our drivers always have their Code 95 points on time. Alongside professional training, there is also training that is focused on lifestyle or professional attitude. Our employees choose the additional training course(s) they want to take.

AB Connect

Drivers are often away from home for days at a time, and our office staff work from different locations and even countries. This presents challenges for communication. To ensure that we are able to communicate quickly and our employees are always on top of the latest news, we developed our own digital communication platform: AB Connect

Our employees can find everything they need in AB Connect: the latest news, work anniversaries, contact information, the drivers’ handbook, other useful documents, pay slips, and lots more. We ask our employees to think along with us on a regular basis via polls in the app.

They are also able to share their own ideas with us. The app has other practical features too, for example, ordering new work clothing and looking up the nearest petrol stations, garages or truck washes. Very handy!

AB Fit

At AB Texel Group we like to see that our employees feeling good about themselves, with the ability to continue doing their jobs in good health right through to retirement. For this reason we developed a programme to help employees maintain (or develop) their mental and physical fitness: AB Fit.

Employees choose the parts of the programme that are right for them, for example individual coaching for a healthy lifestyle, a bicycle plan, debt counselling, or psychological support.

AB Café

It goes without saying that certain things make a lot more enjoyable. We’re convinced that contact with other colleagues increases job satisfaction. That’s why we organise the AB Café a few times a year. A lot of colleagues are out on the road every day and so don’t get to see each other much. The AB Café gives them the opportunity to catch up and to get to know each other better. We talk about developments in the organisation while we enjoy a drink and a bite to eat, and there’s plenty of time to socialise.


What we stand for

AB Texel is a major player in agri, food and special transport, but has retained the mentality of a small organisation. We always do what we say we’ll do. With both colleagues and clients. Thanks to our loyalty and the company’s family atmosphere, people quickly feel at ease with us. We don't try to make things sound better, or more difficult, than they are. We’re real go-getters, but we're modest about our achievements. At AB Texel we just do what we need to do, and we do it well.


As a growing company, we’re always on the lookout for enthusiastic new colleagues, from drivers through to warehouse staff and transport planners. There are all sorts of opportunities! Would you like to see what’s available? You can find the latest vacancies on our website 'Working at AB Texel'.