Sustainability Strategy 
As a sustainable partner, AB Texel takes responsibility by reducing its impact on the environment and wider society, being an attractive employer for employees and a valued and reliable collaborative chain partner. 
CEO Dennis Wetenkamp: “More than 95% of our CO2 emissions result from the physical transport movements of our trucks. This is why the biggest opportunity and challenge to reduce our CO2 emissions lies with our fleet, in the fuels we use and the number of empty kilometres we drive for our clients. Together with our partners, we aim to reduce our CO2 emissions per transported ton/kilometre by at least 40% in 2030, and achieve net zero by 2050.”  
Important success factors are: the scale of the company, a large and closed network in Western Europe, professional and qualified employees and the availability of relevant data and information.  
Results achieved in 2023 
Reduction of CO2 emissions: 2023 has seen a commitment to using alternative fuels, such as HVO and (Bio)LNG. A trial with an electric truck has also started. The introduction of driving style coaches has led to a reduction in fuel consumption. 
Working safely: AB Texel strives to ensure zero work-related accidents. In 2023, significant focus was placed on accident prevention. AB Texel Special Transport was certified for step 2 on the Safety Culture Ladder. 
Attractive employer: With an average employee satisfaction score of 8.3, AB Texel realised its objective of achieving a minimum score of 8. 
Respectful Partnerships AB Texel wants to ensure long-term and transparent partnerships with chain partners, to realise collective ambitions and provide added value. In 2023, 70% of turnover resulted from long-term partnerships with clients.  
Dennis Wetenkamp: “I’m extremely proud of our employees and partners. Together, we will take further steps in 2024, to ensure that we remain a healthy company and reduce the impact of our operations on our environment as a whole. This year, we have invested in new (Bio)LNG trucks, which will enable us to substantially reduce our CO2 emissions.” 
The AB Texel sustainability report is available to read on our website.